PoRR Stipend Supplement

We are excited to announce that we are currently launching an award competition to support eligible patient-oriented research projects to hire undergraduate/graduate student trainees. Each eligible project that utilizes the PoRR to hire a UBC student will qualify for a maximum of $1,000 which will be reimbursed at the end of the project term. The funding will be confirmed as projects affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine are submitted to PoRR for review and matched with a student. Funds will be expended until exhausted.

In order to be eligible for an award, projects must fit the following criteria:

  • Be a UBC-affiliated project that is patient-oriented in nature. That is, patients are actively involved as research partners that engage in meaningful collaboration with research groups.
  • Must utilize the Patient-oriented Research Repository to be successfully matched with a student
  • Meet the minimum project length of 12-16 weeks in the 2021 calendar year
  • Provide paid student positions that will engage candidates either full or part-time
  • Notify the PoRR team once a successful match has been made

Optional online training will be available to trainees to  supplement their experiential learning in patient-oriented research.

Please fill out the submission form if interested. Applications will be evaluated as they are submitted (see evaluation rubric).

If you have any queries, please contact us at porr@cmmt.ubc.ca